4612 documents matched the search for I22 I24 I28 in JEL-codes.
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Buy the Book? Evidence on the Effect of Textbook Funding on School-Level Achievement, Kristian L. Holden,
in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
Improving Educational Outcomes in Slovenia, Mehmet Eris,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: early childhood education, frais de scolarité, income-contingent loans, PISA, PISA, student work, tertiary education, travail des élèves, tuition fees, vocational and technical education, éducation préscolaire, éducation technique et professionnelle, éducation tertiaire
Trends in Education Access and Fanincing During the Transition in Central and Eastern Europe, B. Laporte and D. Ringold,
from World Bank - Technical Papers
The proposed Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) for UK Universities, Charles Wild and Daniel Berger,
in International Journal of Teaching and Education
Keywords: Teaching Excellence Framework, Thresholds of Quality, Learning and Teaching, Teaching Quality, Educational Gain
Improving School-to-work Transitions in New Zealand, Alexandra Bibbee,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: achèvement des études, adéquation du marché du travail, aides publiques pour les étudiants, apprenticeships, apprentissage, assessments and evaluation in education, capital humain, careers education, choix de l'école, chômage des jeunes, compétences, early childhood education, education achievement, education attainment, education funding, enseignement supérieur, financement de l'éducation, formation, formation professionnelle, human capital, labour market matching, Maori, Maori, mesures actives pour les jeunes, NEET, ni employés ni en formation, niveau d’études, Non scolarisés, Pasifika, private returns to education, prêts étudiants, qualifications, qualifications, qualité de l’enseignement, rendements privés de l’éducation, salaire minimum des jeunes, school choice, schooling, scolarisation, skills, student grants, student loans, teaching quality, tertiary education, training, vocational education, youth activation policies, youth minimum wage, youth unemployment, éducation des jeunes enfants, évaluation et appréciation de l’éducation, îliens du Pacifique
Igualdad de oportunidades educativas, María Jesús San Segundo,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: financiación de la educación,igualdad de oportunidades, expansión educativa sector público
The "Only" European Schools in the European Union?, D. Finaldi-Baratieri,
from European Institute - History
Student Loans – Bulgaria and the International Experience, Elena Konsulova-Atanasova,
in Ikonomiceski i Sotsialni Alternativi
Keywords: higher education, student loans, interest rate
Review of Books on Student Loans, Christopher Avery,
in Journal of Economic Literature
The Private Internal Rates of Return to Tertiary Education: New Estimates for 21 OECD Countries, Romina Boarini and Hubert Strauss,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: investment in tertiary education, labour market premia, Primes du marché du travail, Rendements de l’éducation, returns to education, éducation supérieure
Addressing the challenges in higher education in Norway, Vassiliki Koutsogeorgopoulou,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: accreditation, accréditation, education, institutions, institutions, reform, réforme, students, éducation, étudiants
in HOLISTICA Journal of Business and Public Administration
Keywords: education, motivation, curriculum, efficiency, management
Education Reform in Japan, Randall S. Jones,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: activité des femmes, contrats à durée déterminée, dispatched workers, dualism, dualisme, employment protection, female employment, fertility rate, fixed-term contracts, formation professionnelle, Japan, Japanese economy, Japon, labour force participation rates, labour market, marché du travail, non-regular workers, older workers, part-time workers, protection de l'emploi, taux de fécondité, taux d’activité, travailleurs intérimaires, travailleurs non réguliers, travailleurs à temps partiel, travailleurs âgés, vocational training, work-life balance, équilibre entre travail et vie familiale
Reforming Education in England, Henrik Braconier,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: allocation d'entretien d'éducation, bien-être, choix de l'école, deprivation funding, disadvantaged students, education maintenance allowance, education systems, financement de privation, financement des écoles, frais de scolarité, grade inflation, inflation des notes, mobilité sociale, PISA, PISA, preschooling, primary education, préscolaire, rendement scolaire, school choice, school efficiency, school funding, school system, social mobility, système scolaire, systèmes d'éducation, tuition fees, well-being, éducation primaire, élèves défavorisés
Supporting Community College Students from Start to Degree Completion: Long-Term Evidence from a Randomized Trial of CUNY's ASAP, Michael J. Weiss, Alyssa Ratledge, Colleen Sommo and Himani Gupta,
in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
A Study of Human Capital Intensity on Smart Growth Dynamics at the Level of the European Union [Un studiu asupra intensităţii capitalului uman în dinamica creşterii inteligente la nivelul Uniunii Europene], Smărăndoiu (Sanda) Alexandra Luana,
in Revista OEconomica
Keywords: European Union, human capital, education, economic, growth, performance
in Business Education and Accreditation
Keywords: Student Engagement, Diversity, CCSSE, Support for Learners, Educational Intervention
Învăţământul, cercetarea, dezvoltarea şi inovarea: realităţi româneşti faţă în faţă cu perspectivele europene, Paul Vass Andreea,
in Revista OEconomica
Keywords: education, research, development and innovation systems, gaps, policy-making
Enhancing Educational Performance in Australia, Vassiliki Koutsogeorgopoulou,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: accès universel, autonomie, autonomy, capital humain, child care, crèche, early childhood education, education, educational Finance, financement de l’éducation, garantie de ressources pour les étudiants, human capital, PISA, PISA, quality, qualité de l'enseignement, student income support, teaching, universal access, éducation, éducation primaire
Raising Education Outcomes in Greece, Vassiliki Koutsogeorgopoulou,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: accountability, autonomie, autonomy, child care, crammers, crèche, curricula scolaire, early childhood education, education, PISA, PISA, qualité de l’enseignement, responsabilisation, répétiteurs, school curricula, teaching quality, tertiary education, tuition fees, university, université, upper secondary, vocational and technical, éducation, éducation préscolaire, éducation supérieure, éducation technique et professionnelle, éducation tertiaire
British and Italian Universities and the Anglo-Saxon Model, Alan R.S. Ponter,
in Rivista di Politica Economica
Keywords: universities; organisation; institutions; policy; British; Italian
Ensuring a dynamic skills-training and life-long learning system in Switzerland, Petar Vujanovic and Christine Lewis,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: skills, Switzerland, training, vocational education
Fostering strong and relevant skills in Iceland, Vassiliki Koutsogeorgopoulou and Laura Brogi,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: education, Iceland, immigrants, lifelong learning, mismatch, professional development, skills, vocational education and training, work incentives
Polarización y Cohesión Social del Sistema Escolar Chileno, Cristobal Villalobos and Juan Pablo Valenzuela,
in Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review
Keywords: Polarization, social cohesion, system school
Luxembourg: harnessing skills for more inclusive growth, Jan Stráský,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: active labour market policies, education system, labour markets, lifelong learning, long-term unemployment, vocational education and training
Financiación de la educación postobligatoria: los préstamos a los estudiantes, Javier Díaz Malledo and José Luis Moreno,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: financiación de la educación, ayudad y préstamos a estudiantes
The determinant of faculty attitude to academic (over-) work load: An econometric analysis, Shamsul Arifeen Khan Mamun*, Mohammad Mafizur Rahman and Patrick Alan Danaher,
in Journal of Developing Areas
Keywords: ICT, Academic (over-)workload, probit model, elasticity, Australia
The Role of Higher Education in a Nation's Economic Development, Cosma Dorin, Schneider Suzana and Iuhasz Giovana,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: higher education funding, economic development, human capital.
Resource Allocation for PreuniversitaryInstitutions Based on Standard Costs, Gabriela Elena Grejdan, Ana-Maria Joldos and Livia Oltean,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: standard costs, public funds, preuniversitary educational institutions, differential coefficients, budget
Le financement de l'enseignement superieur: la repartition de la charge entre acteurs, J-M Plassard,
from LIRHE - Universite des sciences sociales Toulouse
Meslek yüksek okullarının işletme ve muhasebe programlarındaki öğrencilerin bireysel fon yönetimi bilgi düzeylerini etkileyen faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi, Ayten Ersoy and Sevgi AYDIN Hergüner,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: bireysel fon yönetimi bilgisi, işletme eğitimi, muhasebe eğitimi, meslek yüksek okulları, davranışsal muhasebe.
Keywords: Gastronomy and culinary arts education, department heads, perception
L’éducation économique, budgétaire et financière des publics: un enjeu majeur en temps de crise, Lisa Gervasoni and Mark Beguery,
in Bulletin de la Banque de France
Evoluții în protecția consumatorului financiar, Călin M. Rangu,
in Journal of Financial Studies
Keywords: protecţie, consumator, MiFID, IDD, supraveghere
Investments in education - an imperative objective for Europe, Ion Ionita and Mariana Iatagan,
in Economia. Seria Management
Keywords: education, finance, investment, reform, quality assurance
La gestión económico-financiera en el desarrollo actual y perspectivo del Ministerio de Educación Superior y su red de instituciones, Miriam Alpizar Santana,
in Revista Cubana de Finanzas y Precios
Keywords: modelo de gestión; gestión económico-financiera; financiación de la educación superior
Gestión económico-financiera sostenible de las instituciones de educación superior en Cuba, Armando Lauchy Sañudo and Elena María Acosta Chang,
in Revista Cubana de Finanzas y Precios
Keywords: gestión económico-financiera; gasto público; sostenibilidad.
Stand und Möglichkeiten zur Weiterentwicklung des Technologietransfers an der Hochschule Wismar, Uwe Sassenberg,
from Hochschule Wismar, Wismar Business School
Financing Schemes for Higher Education in the OECD Countries, Domenicantonio Fausto,
in Economia Internazionale / International Economics
Keywords: Financing; university; education
Investment Attractiveness and Development of a Higher Education Institution, Stoyan Stoyanov,
in Business & Management Compass
Understanding And Implementation Of The Competency-Based Approach To Financial Controls Education, Ruslana Dimitrova,
in Business & Management Compass
Keywords: Competency-based approach, competence, competency, competency-based model, financial controls
The Effect of Changes in the Composition of Financial Aid on College Enrollments, Elizabeth Savoca,
in Eastern Economic Journal
in Journal of Academic Research in Economics
Keywords: higher education, funding allocation, public universities.
Studiengebühren in Europa, Nick Hoffmann,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Studienfinanzierung, Studierende, Hochschulfinanzierung, Europa
Finanzierung frühkindlicher Bildung und Betreuung: konzeptionelle Grundlinien eines Finanzierungssystems für Kindertageseinrichtungen, Kathrin Bock-Famulla, Nina Hogrebe and Katharina Keinert,
in Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung / Quarterly Journal of Economic Research
Keywords: Needs-based resource allocation, formula funding, Early Childhood Education and Care, educational governance, public services
Estimating taxpayer subsidies and individual repayment burdens of a student loan program in Spain, Francisco Callado-Muñoz, Elena Del Rey and Natalia Utrero-González,
in Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics
Keywords: Educational finance, Student loans, Repayment burd
Performance pay, test scores, and student learning objectives, Ryan Balch and Matthew Springer,
in Economics of Education Review
Keywords: Pay for performance; Teacher salaries; Educational economics;
Does replacing grants by income-contingent loans harm enrolment? New evidence from a reform in Dutch higher education, Jonneke Bolhaar, Sonny Kuijpers, Dinand Webbink and Maria Zumbuehl,
in Economics of Education Review
Keywords: Income-contingent loans; Private contributions; Enrolment in higher education;
Determinants of Parental Choice for Public – Private Schooling of Children:A Study of Rawalpindi-Islamabad, Hamad Manzoor, Saira Rasul, Henna Ahsan and Aisha Safdar,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Private School, Public School, Quality of Education, Mother’s Education
Indirect estimation of the rate of return to a university degree, Leon Taylor, Aigul Izbanova and Mansiya Kainazarova,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Rate of return, education, enrollment, omitted variables, measurement error
A magyar hallgatói hitelrendszer. Elméleti szempontok és nemzetközi összehasonlítás, Balázs Majer,
in Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
A jövedelemarányos törlesztésű diákhitel egyszerű modellje, Edina Berlinger,
in Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
A felsőoktatási intézmények finanszírozási modelljei, Gergely Kováts,
in Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Analysis of Public Expenditure on Education in Pakistan, Fazal Husain, Muhammad Ali Qasim and Khalid Hameed Sheikh,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Education; Public expenditures; Pakistan
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Return to education; private returns; skill biased technical change; sample selection
Islamic finance education at graduate level: Current position and challenges, Zubair Hasan,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Education; Islamic finance, Convergence consequences; Supervision; Curricula structures; Course designs; Private sector role; Critical mass; Western dominance
Why Pakistan must break-into the knowledge economy, Rashid Amjad,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Knowledge Economy, Economics of Education, Technical Efficiency, Pakistan
in Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica
Keywords: basic financing, complementary financing, State higher education, university autonomy.
Comparing tertiary graduates with and without student loans in Latvia, Ali Ait Si Mhamed and Rita Kaša,
in Baltic Journal of Economics
Keywords: Higher education, graduates, student loans, student debt, Latvia
Is College Financial Aid Equitable and Efficient?, Aaron Edlin,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
Does replacing grants by income-contingent loans harm enrolment? New evidence from a reform in Dutch higher education, Jonneke Bolhaar, Sonny Kuijpers, Dinand Webbink and Maria Zumbuehl,
from CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
To Borrow or Not to Borrow? An Analysis of University Leverage Decisions, Harvey Rosen and Alexander J. W. Sappington,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Estimating the Effect of Student Aid on College Enrollment: Evidence from a Government Grant Policy Reform, Helena Nielsen, Torben Sørensen and Christopher R. Taber,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
EFFECTIVENESS THE FUNDING OF EDUCATION, Istrate Camelia and Leiciu Narcisa-Liliana,
in Contemporary Economy Journal
Keywords: funded, education, promovation, human capital
Increasing Access to Higher Education Through Student Loans, Adrian Ziderman,
in ifo DICE Report
Public versus private University Systems, George Psacharopoulos,
in ifo DICE Report
Die Neuordnung der Studienfinanzierung in Großbritannien, Nick Hoffmann,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Studienfinanzierung, Hochschulfinanzierung, Großbritannien, Europa
Finanzierung von Studenten in ausgewählten Ländern, Nick Hoffmann and Wolfgang Ochel,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Studienfinanzierung, Vergleich
A Comparison of the financial aid programs administered by JASSO and KOSAF and their implications for Taiwan, Yueh-Chun Huang,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: higher education, student financial aid, JASSO, KOSAF
Introducing Education Finance and Policy, David Figlio and David H. Monk,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: education finance, education policy, academic journals
Reflections on the Field of School Finance: Enduring Questions and Future Directions, Margaret Plecki,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: school finance
Entry Costs and the Supply of Public School Teachers, Randall Reback,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: entry costs, teacher certification, teacher supply
The Imperative of 480 Schools, James Wyckoff,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: education finance, New York
Comparable Wages, Inflation, and School Finance Equity, Lori Taylor,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: wages, teacher pay, school finance, education finance
Insight from Hindsight: The New Education Finance of the Next Decade, Leanna Stiefel,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: education finance, American Education Finance Association
Reforming Reforms: Changing Incentives in Education Finance in Vermont, Stephen Schmidt and Karen Scott,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: education finance, spending inequality, Vermont
Adequacy Cost Studies: Perspectives on the State of the Art, Michael A. Rebell,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: educational equity, education adequacy, education spending
Getting Down to Facts: School Finance and Governance in California, Susanna Loeb, Anthony Bryk and Eric Hanushek,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: school finance, governance, California
The Influence of the Elderly on School Spending in a Median Voter Framework, Deborah Fletcher and Lawrence Kenny,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: elderly, aging population, school spending, median voter model
What Do AEFA Members Say? Summary of Results of an Education Finance and Policy Survey, Leanna Stiefel, Amy Schwartz and Anne Rotenberg,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: American Education Finance Association, education policy
The Impact of Debt Limitations and Referenda Requirements on the Cost of School District Bond Issues, Mary H. Harris and Vincent G. Munley,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: debt limitations, referenda requirements, school district bond issues
Do More Effective Teachers Earn More Outside the Classroom?, Matthew M. Chingos and Martin R. West,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: teacher compensation, teacher wages, Florida public schools
Improving the Productivity of Education Experiments: Lessons from a Randomized Study of Need-Based Financial Aid, Douglas Harris and Sara Goldrick-Rab,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: education, financial aid, randomized trials
School Finance and Learning: Are We Leveraging State Aid to Get All We Can Out of It?, Deborah H. Cunningham,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: school finance, state financial aid
New Measures of TeachersÕ Work Hours and Implications for Wage Comparisons, Kristine L. West,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: salaries, time use, wages
When Unified Teacher Pay Scales Meet Differential Alternative Returns, Patrick Walsh,
in Education Finance and Policy
Keywords: teacher pay, Baalaureate and Beyond, salaries,
The Budget Funding of the Public Higher Education in Some European Countries, Dorin Cosma and Suzana Schneider,
in Timisoara Journal of Economics
Keywords: Superior Education System financing, financing mechanisms, financing on formulas, performance criteria, input criteria, performance contract
Acceso y uso de los mercados financieros para el pago de los gastos de la educación básica, Kristiano Raccanello, Laura Elena Carrillo Cubillas and Mariana Guzmán Yerena,
in Contaduría y Administración
Keywords: Financiamiento de la educación, Gasto privado, Mercados financieros, México
Access and use of financial markets for basic education expenses, Kristiano Raccanello, Laura Elena Carrillo Cubillas and Mariana Guzmán Yerena,
in Contaduría y Administración
Keywords: Educational financing, Private expense, Financial markets, Mexico
Bucky, Becky, and Student Financial Aid Policy Design, Elise A. Marifian, Jeffrey Smith and Sarah Turner,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Simplifying Tax Incentives and Aid for College: Progress and Prospects, Susan Dynarski, Judith Scott-Clayton and Mark Wiederspan,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Does public spending on tertiary education increase tertiary enrollment? Evidence from a large panel of countries, Patrick Bala and Dierk Herzer,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: tertiary enrollment; public tertiary education spending; public costs per student; GMM
Transition in Primary and Secondary Schooling in Pakistan: Gender and Age Cohort Analysis, Naushin Mahmood,
in The Pakistan Development Review
Keywords: Primary Education, Secondary Education, Schooling, Pakistan
in Economic Review: Journal of Economics and Business
Keywords: organizational performance, non-profit organizations, institutions of lifelong learning, Croatia
The private returns to education in rural Bangladesh, Shamsul Arifeen Khan Mamun, Brad R. Taylor, Hong Son Nghiem, Mohammad Mafizur Rahman and Rasheda Khanam,
in International Journal of Educational Development
Keywords: Return to education; Bangladesh; Human capital; Mincerian model; Instrumental variable method;
Attitudes to debt among indebted undergraduates: A cross-national exploratory factor analysis, Neil Harrison, Steve Agnew and Joyce Serido,
in Journal of Economic Psychology
Keywords: Debt attitudes; Factor analysis; Higher education; Consumer attitudes and behaviour; Educational finance;
in Annals of Faculty of Economics
Keywords: the financing of the academic education, private funds financing, public fund financing, public funds usage surveillance.
in Annals of Faculty of Economics
Keywords: Value at Risk, Expected Shortfall, Education Investment, Higher Education, Risk Measurement
Does School Consolidation Cut Costs?, William Duncombe and John Yinger,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Estimating the Cost of an Adequate Education in New York, William Duncombe,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University